News from Vandana Bajikar

1/1/2024: New Website!

Welcome to the online galleries of Vandana Bajikar Art. 

It was a long awaited for me to get this website up. Some hesitation, fear of getting judged, opening to the world "why I do what I do" and chaos of life :-) At last took a big leap and here you go. This website is like me, imperfect, and continuous work of improvements. I selected few of the photos to give enough idea of my love towards Nature, and how I see it and capture.

Currently it is focused  on photography. Eventually my painting artwork photos will be added to the site. Also, the Order Print is not enabled at this moment, and will be available eventually. Meanwhile please use the Contact Form for any inquiries. 

I sincerely thanks to David Thompson aka DT for guiding me in this process and Jack Brauer for coaching me in various aspects while building the website.

I hope you enjoy the new website!

Support Local Artist and Artwork.

Thank you, Vandana

Latest Photos

Rolling Storms
Step Falls
Ocean Fall